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Top 8 Must-See Robotic Technologies at Automatica

The 6th edition of the trade show Automatica, held in Munich, Germany, is the spot to be if you are in the robotic, mechatronic or automation business. The show is in a couple of days. It starts June 3rd and continues on until the 6th. Several companies are anticipating this show as they will be launching new products or showing major upgrades to their existing technologies. Since this show is huge and there are a lot of exhibitors, we have prepared a list of the top 8 items that you should not miss at Automatica 2014.

Mathieu Bélanger-Barrette
By Mathieu Bélanger-Barrette
on May 28, 2014 9:58 AM. 9 min read time
Top 8 Must-See Robotic Technologies at Automatica

The 6th edition of the trade show Automatica, held in Munich, Germany, is the spot to be if you are in the robotic,...

Mathieu Bélanger-Barrette
By Mathieu Bélanger-Barrette
on May 28, 2014 9:58 AM
Read more 9 min read time
6 Differences between the Automate and Automatica Robotic Shows

I am just back from a week in Munich where I attend the Automatica fair for the first time. Our products were exhibited in the

Samuel Bouchard
By Samuel Bouchard
on May 30, 2012 8:05 AM
Read more 4 min read time

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