The Human View of Robot Workers: What Do Employees Really Think?
Robot workers are transforming the way we work. There is no denying that they are here to stay… but this raises some...
Improve Employee Retention in Your Shop
People want to feel like they’re making a valuable contribution, and they’ll be more loyal to the company that provides them...
Use Four Strategies to Fill the Manufacturing Gap With People
Finding people who possess both the skills and the interest needed to work in manufacturing is a major challenge. The good news...
Decrease the Manufacturing Gap With Automation
Old manual assembly lines have already been largely replaced by automation; however, opportunities still exist to automate the...
Top Three Causes of the Manufacturing Skills Gap
There are three commonly listed causes of the skills gap: Retirement of older workers, lack of skilled workers, lack of desire...
3 Concerns Workers Have About Robots in Manufacturing (And How to Alleviate Them)
With any major change, there’s going to be friction. As the manufacturing industry transitions more and more into robotics,...
How to Create an Effective Robotics Training Program
When done well, robotics training can take your business to new heights. But, how do you make sure it's effective? Here's how...
In-house vs Outsourcing: How to Source Robotics Expertise
How do you choose between investing in in-house robotics expertise and paying for an outsourced integrator? In this article,...
What's New In Robotics This Week - Aug 19
Bots help combat Asian labor shortages; world's worst bots; apple-picking robot; Toyota's AI funding; octopus robot; AI at the...
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