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Robotiq Establishes a New Partnership with SIS Corporation

We are proud to announce today that Robotiq has established a new partnership with SIS Corporation – a major system integrator in Korea.

SIS Corporation becomes then the Robotiq point of contact for Korean customers and will include our 2-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper and 3-Finger Adaptive Robot Hand to their automation solutions. “As Robotiq, SIS is driven by the idea to provide real flexible solutions to industrial robotics applications”, says Samuel Bouchard, President of Robotiq. “The robotic expertise of SIS and our robotic electric grippers will provide to customers in Korea a real flexible solution to today's challenging manufacturing automation issues”, he continues.

Samuel Bouchard
By Samuel Bouchard
on Jun 08, 2012 11:15 AM. 1 min read time
Robotiq Establishes a New Partnership with SIS Corporation

We are proud to announce today that Robotiq has established a new partnership with SIS Corporation – a major system integrator...

Samuel Bouchard
By Samuel Bouchard
on Jun 08, 2012 11:15 AM
Read more 1 min read time

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