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How Productive Was Your Robot Today?

David Maltais
by David Maltais. Last updated on Nov 09, 2017 3:26 PM
Posted on Sep 18, 2017 7:00 AM. 2 min read time

If you ask this question to a manufacturing engineer, chances are that he or she won’t have any robot specific data to give a complete answer. This is why the Robotiq team spent the last few months working on a first robot monitoring system. Insights is a web application that measures Universal Robots performance in real-time.

And it might as well be a game changer in the collaborative robots world!

The Right KPIs

Insights gives a real-time view of the robot’s key performance indicators in operation. You’ll assess cycles completed, efficiency, wait-time, and overall utilization for each robot.

Insights Dashboard.jpg

With this data, manufacturing engineers will be able to improve their product quality and increase process efficiency. Automation engineers will take advantage of this information to optimize robot performance by reducing cycle time and diagnosing failures.

Production managers will see the long term trends in robot performance to improve planning and overall productivity. Insights dashboard also provides operators with real-time status and alerts to optimize production.

Your Robot Reports to You

How about having continuous feedback from your robot(s)? Insights gives real-time notifications directly on your computer or smartphone. If you’re out of office, receiving an alert immediately allows team members to take care of the issue right away to get back to normal production quickly.

From the alert message, you’ll be able to drill down to a detailed robot cell status view to identify the root cause for exceptions, faults, or slow-downs.


Continuous Improvements

You might as well subscribe to periodic performance reports for your robot(s). Those include all KPIs and trends for the last day, week and month. You then have all the data to plan the optimization of your robot performance.

Since your robot might not be the last to be installed in your factory, Insights (Link to sign-up page) is also a tool for future robotic investments. Backed with valuable robot performance data, ROI will become crystal clear and help you and your team to go ahead with future automation projects.

How productive was your robot today? Sign up for Insights

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David Maltais
Written by David Maltais
David is a PR specialist at Robotiq, where he focuses on sharing Robotiq's voice worldwide. David brings several years' experience as a journalist to his work. He enjoys interacting with partners and influencers in the automation and manufacturing industries.
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