What Should be the First Collaborative Robot Application in Your Factory?
You are now convinced of the potential of collaborative robots to increase the productivity in your factory and maybe even...
Clearpath to Release a Mobile Platform to Carry Baxter!
What is a Cobot (Collaborative Robot)? Types & Applications
The word “cobot” has been widely used for different things. In this article, we elaborate on its meaning and the variations on...
RS485 vs Ethernet: Which One is Most Used in Industry?
While Ethernet is the most commonly used communication protocol among multiple types of devices, ranging from consumer gadgets...
Not Going to ICRA 2015? Well Here's What You'll Miss!
ICRA stands for the International Conference on Robotics and Automation. The conference will be held in Seattle, WA from May...
What the Heck is Robotic Machine Tending Anyway?
You may have heard several terms many times in all its declensions: CNC machine tending, robotic machine tending, autonomous...
Recent Investments in Collaborative Robot Companies
Following the recent Gomtec acquisition by ABB, the news of another collaborative specific brand bought by a major investor,...
First Amazon Picking Challenge
We are always really excited by robotic contest. If you have ever followed us for any period of time, you probably know that we...
Why Are Collaborative Robots So Cheap?
You may wonder why there is such a strong difference between the collaborative and industrial robot price. Well there are few...
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