Robots With Sausages and Beer? Only at Automatica!
Beer and sausages. They were very popular at Automatica 2016. But, it wasn't only the attendees who got their hands on these...
Improve Performance and Reduce Risk With Safety Sensors
Even though collaborative robots are designed to be inherently safe, it doesn't mean you can just forget about risk. Safety...
The Big Tour: What Knocked Our Socks Off Today @Automatica
We've reached the end of Automatica 2016! But, there's still time to show you the four big booths from this year's trade fair....
It's Easy Being Green for FANUC's New Cobot
FANUC first collaborative robot (the CR-35i) was quite distinctive - it was bright green. We can now tell you that the CR-7iA,...
What's New In Robotics This Week - Jun 24
Automatica coverage; New sUAS rules; limiting cuteness in robot design; bots to become electronic persons?; European Robotics...
We Get a Look at the First Motoman Cobot
Yaskawa has been a little behind other manufacturers in releasing a collaborative robot. But, finally they've joined the club....
Can Automation Be Easy and Affordable for Everyone?
We attended a very interesting presentation yesterday at AUTOMATICA Forum. US company Hirebotics posed a question which really...
What Knocked Our Socks Off Today @Automatica
Our first day at Automatica 2016 is over! Our booth has had a lot of visitors and there has been loads of great interest from...
New Robotiq Vision System Breaks Down Integration Barriers
We are proud to launch Camera, our new vision-guided pick and place solution for Universal Robots that shortens setup time to...
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