Why Telepresence Will Soon Be a $2.5 Billion Industry
People have been slow to adopt telepresence robots, but this could be a sign of their success. Telepresence is not "old news,"...
10 Common Sanding and Polishing Problems That Robots Eliminate
Sanding and polishing with power tools can be fraught with problems. Even highly skilled professionals aren't immune! But,...
Are Cobots Hackable? How Hackers Could Crack a Cobot
With headline-grabbing security breaches happening all the time, cybersecurity is a concern for most businesses. Cobots aren't...
What's the Best Position to Store Your Robot Overnight?
It's a common question. Users are often concerned that they are storing their robot in the wrong position and could damage the...
7 Companies That Are Using Polishing and Buffing Robots
Robot polishing is a great way to improve safety, quality, and consistency of polished products. Both big and small businesses...
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Using Robot Finishing
Are you thinking of choosing collaborative robot sanding or polishing? Stop!… and first, ask yourself these 5 questions.
5 Unusual Vacuum Grippers Which Innovated Robotics
In March 2019, a group of researchers from MIT and Harvard announced their latest unusual robot gripper… made of origami! But,...
Why People Believe Cobots Can't Do Finishing Tasks
Collaborative robots are great for a huge range of tasks… including finishing (e.g. sanding, polishing). But, some people...
Why a Vacuum Gripper Can Improve Your Packing Tasks
Packing tasks can be challenging for some robot grippers, especially with delicate or strangely shaped objects. Here's why...
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