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Joseph F. Engelberger - The Pragmatic Dreamer

Tributes for Joseph F. Engelberger have been pouring in from the robotics community since he died on the 1st of December this year. As an industry, we recognize that we owe a lot to the man who first brought robots to the manufacturing shopfloor, giving robotics a future in the world. But, what was it that sparked this seminal invention? Would robotics have been less successful if someone else had set the industry in motion? We take a look at Joseph Engelberger and ask what unique qualities made him justifiably "The Father of Modern Robotics”.

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Dec 21, 2015 7:00 AM. 8 min read time
Joseph F. Engelberger - The Pragmatic Dreamer

Tributes for Joseph F. Engelberger have been pouring in from the robotics community since he died on the 1st of December this...

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Dec 21, 2015 7:00 AM
Read more 8 min read time
Robotiq at iREX 2015

Several demos will be available of different Robotiq products at our partner's booths at IREX 2015 from Dec 2-5 in Tokyo. Be...

Karine Simard
By Karine Simard
on Dec 02, 2015 10:10 AM
Read more 1 min read time
Bad Robot! Why Are You So Good? What's New In Robotics This Week - Nov 27

Researchers Teaching Robots To Disobey Human Instructions; Bug-Zapping Robot Helps 8-year old; New Drone Regulations; Robot...

Emmet Cole
By Emmet Cole
on Nov 27, 2015 7:00 AM
Read more 7 min read time
What's New In Robotics This Week - Nov 20

Find out what's happening in the robotics universe this week. We select news that will certainly interest or amuse you. Enjoy...

Emmet Cole
By Emmet Cole
on Nov 20, 2015 9:22 AM
Read more 6 min read time
What's New In Robotics This Week - Nov 13

Find out what's happening in the robotics universe this week. We select news that will certainly interest or amuse you. Enjoy...

Emmet Cole
By Emmet Cole
on Nov 13, 2015 7:00 AM
Read more 7 min read time
What's New In Robotics This Week - Nov 6

Fear and Trembling In The Presence of An Android; North American Robotics Markets Set New Record; Chinese Bot Smashes Walking...

Emmet Cole
By Emmet Cole
on Nov 06, 2015 8:30 AM
Read more 8 min read time
What's New in Robotics this Week - Oct 30

Robots teach each other new tricks; Versatile construction bots; Leeds to employ robot utility inspectors and workers; Drone's...

Emmet Cole
By Emmet Cole
on Oct 30, 2015 7:00 AM
Read more 7 min read time
4 Modern Technologies We Have Thanks to Robotics

Some important consumer technologies would not exist in their current form without robotics. Robotics research has such strong...

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Oct 29, 2015 7:00 AM
Read more 5 min read time
12 Essential Blogs Featuring the Latest News on Robotics

How can you keep up with the latest developments in robotics?

Which are the most reliable news sites about robots?

What blogs...

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Oct 27, 2015 7:30 AM
Read more 8 min read time

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