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Alex Owen-Hill is a freelance writer and public speaker who blogs about a large range of topics, including science, presentation skills at, storytelling and (of course) robotics. He completed a PhD in Telerobotics from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid as part of the PURESAFE project, in collaboration with CERN. As a recovering academic, he maintains a firm foot in the robotics world by blogging about industrial robotics.

How to Create an Efficient Robot Cell with 5S

How can you ensure your robot cell will be effective and efficient? By applying the 5S Approach! It's just like cleaning your toolbox… sort of.

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Oct 24, 2017 7:00 AM. 6 min read time
How to Create an Efficient Robot Cell with 5S

How can you ensure your robot cell will be effective and efficient? By applying the 5S Approach! It's just like cleaning your...

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Oct 24, 2017 7:00 AM
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How to Achieve Effortless Programming With Skills

Can robot programming really be this easy? Well yes! We compare the traditional vs the new way of programming.

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Oct 19, 2017 7:00 AM
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How Long Does It Take to Launch Lean Robotics?

How quickly can you launch Lean Robotics? A day? Six months? Here's how to make it quicker.

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Oct 17, 2017 7:00 AM
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How to Convince Your Boss to Go With Cobots

How do you convince management that collaborative robots are the way to go? Here's the definitive guide to getting robots off...

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Oct 11, 2017 7:00 AM
Read more 4 min read time
Six Steps for Preparing Your Team for Lean Robotics

Why should you prepare your team for Lean Robotics? How do you do it? Here's the process to ensure success.

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Oct 02, 2017 7:00 AM
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The Four Principles of Lean Robotics

Lean Robotics involves a change of mindset… which can be hard for a manufacturing business! Use these four core principles to...

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Sep 27, 2017 9:15 AM
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What's the Difference Between Lean Robotics and Lean Manufacturing?

What is Lean Robotics? How does it fit with Lean Manufacturing ? Here are all the answers!

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Sep 21, 2017 7:00 AM
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How Procter and Gamble Is Leading the Way With Cobots

The consumer goods industry is starting to accept collaborative robots. Procter and Gamble is leading the way, and has been...

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Sep 06, 2017 7:00 AM
Read more 5 min read time
How Robots Help the Consumer Goods Industry Adapt

Can small companies keep up with the new, demanding consumer? Here's how robotics can help!

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Aug 21, 2017 7:00 AM
Read more 5 min read time

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