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Robot Force Torque Sensor - An Introduction

Robots are frequently used because of their rigidity. Most applications need rigidity to accomplish the precision necessary in the application. However, having a rigid robot that can not adapt its motions if a disturbance or an unplanned situation occurs is a set up for problems. For example, if a shaft needs to be inserted into a hole by a robot, the parts can be damaged due to a misalignement of the robot or the part. The robot is not sensitive, it doesn't know if the shaft is entering in the hole the way it is suppose to. As robots are programmed to execute given motions at a given speed, there is no way to acquire feedback on the motion itself. Companies need to find a way to give a sense of feeling to the robot. The same kind of feeling that a worker would feel. If the shaft is misaligned, the worker will feel resistance, because he needs to apply more force on the shaft and will automatically adjust his/her movements.

Mathieu Bélanger-Barrette
By Mathieu Bélanger-Barrette
on Sep 05, in Robot Sensors. 3 min read time
Robot Force Torque Sensor - An Introduction

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Tactile Sensors for Robot Grippers

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Robot Force Torque Sensors: Current and Future Applications

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Robot Force Control: An Introduction

Today's industrial robots are almost always programmed using a position control scheme. Typically, the robot tool follows a...

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