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The Secret Ingredient of Nutriset's Success: Palletizing Cobots

Nicolas Lauzier
by Nicolas Lauzier. Last updated on Aug 22, 2024 10:39 AM
Posted on Aug 22, 2024 10:39 AM. 4 min read time

Nutriset Group, a pioneer in the fight against malnutrition, is committed to both employee well-being and operational excellence. Based in Malaunay, France, the company produces innovative nutritional solutions, and was looking to improve its production process through cutting-edge technology.


Nutriset palletizing

The burden of manual palletizing

Before automation, Nutriset's end-of-line operations relied heavily on manual palletizing. Every day, employees handled some 400 cartons, each weighing up to 15 kg, and stacked them on pallets up to 2.20 meters high. This repetitive and physically demanding task presented a high risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). The need arose for a solution that would enable the efficient handling of heavy, oversized cartons, while prioritizing worker safety.




Robotiq's solution: the perfect match

To meet these challenges, Nutriset implemented Robotiq's PE20 Palletizing Solution, combined with the UR20 cobot. This collaborative approach eliminated the need for safety cages, creating a safer working environment and increasing efficiency. The solution was specifically designed to meet Nutriset's carton dimensions and palletizing requirements, ensuring seamless integration into their existing operations.

"We had a two-day production stop while we installed the robot and made the first pallets. So it's extremely simple, extremely facilitated by the fact that it arrives turnkey."

Sylvain Clausse, EIA Coordinator

Yielding impressive results

The automated palletizing process has brought substantial benefits to Nutriset. By reducing manual labor, the company has significantly reduced the risk of RSI among its employees. In addition, increased efficiency and reduced downtime have led to a significant improvement in productivity. The rapid return on investment and easy adaptation of operators to the cobot also underline the success of this implementation.

A blueprint for success

Nutriset’s automated palletizing solution delivered significant benefits:

  • Estimated return on investment within 6 months
  • Substantial reduction in palletizing-related RSI
  • Increased productivity through reduced downtime and improved operational flexibility

Nutriset's adoption of Robotiq's Palletizing Solution is testimony to the company's commitment to people well-being and optimized operations. By taking advantage of cutting-edge technology, Nutriset has not only improved production efficiency, but also created a safer, more ergonomic workplace for its employees.

Nutriset case study banner


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Nicolas Lauzier
Written by Nicolas Lauzier
Senior Product Manager R&D
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