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The Internet of Things: Why Robotics is Ahead in Top Trends

As everyone starts to look for "the big technology trends of 2016", it seems that one technology is overshadowing all others - the Internet of Things. This article was one of the most popular this year. We take a look back at why robotics is actually ahead of the game with this new and upcoming trend. Some industrial robotic companies have been involved with it for 10 years. It seems that the Internet of Things is already upon us, so we'd better get prepared for it.

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Dec 26, 2016 7:00 AM. 8 min read time
The Internet of Things: Why Robotics is Ahead in Top Trends

As everyone starts to look for "the big technology trends of 2016", it seems that one technology is overshadowing all others -...

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Dec 26, 2016 7:00 AM
Read more 8 min read time
2016 -- The Year in Robotics

As the holiday season draws closer, pull up a chair, pour yourself a warm drink, and join us for a quick recap of some of the...

Emmet Cole
By Emmet Cole
on Dec 23, 2016 7:00 AM
Read more 11 min read time
6 Festive Applications for Collaborative Robots [With VIDEO]

The festive season is crazy and it's easy to get overwhelmed. If only there was a way to get help with the seasonal madness....

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Dec 21, 2016 7:00 AM
Read more 4 min read time
What's New in Robotics This Week - Dec 16

Amazon's 1st commercial drone delivery; building friendly bots; new Japan disaster bot; sculpting bots; UK farming experiment;...

Emmet Cole
By Emmet Cole
on Dec 16, 2016 7:00 AM
Read more 10 min read time
Trending on DoF This Week - Dec. 15

What's trending on DoF this week? Case study with Claus Factory Inc., Wrist Camera URCaps UCC-1.1.1 update available for...

Amanda Lee
By Amanda Lee
on Dec 15, 2016 7:00 AM
Read more 3 min read time
Robotiq Wrist Camera Software Update Now Available

It’s already been more than 5 months since we launched our Plug+Play Vision System for Universal Robots. We’re now proud to...

Jean-Philippe Jobin
By Jean-Philippe Jobin
on Dec 14, 2016 5:30 AM
Read more 2 min read time
Share Your Robotics Wish List and Help Fund Robotics Competition for Kids
In our holiday video this year, we feature Santa Claus and his wish list to produce all the presents he needs for the...
Amanda Lee
By Amanda Lee
on Dec 13, 2016 7:00 AM
Read more 3 min read time
In-House Robotics Expertise: How to Tell if it's Working

You've decided to move towards in-house robotics expertise, but how do you tell if the move is effective? It's tricky to...

Alex Owen-Hill
By Alex Owen-Hill
on Dec 12, 2016 7:00 AM
Read more 5 min read time
What's New in Robotics This Week - Dec 09

Bio-inspired jumping bot; Atlas stays balanced on uneven terrain; NASA's satellite repair bot; human labor displacement; cobot...

Emmet Cole
By Emmet Cole
on Dec 09, 2016 7:00 AM
Read more 9 min read time

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