What is the best vacuum gripper for your application?


You are searching for the best vacuum gripper for your application, but you don't know the difference between each product? This article will help you to see the difference and choose the best product for your application. 


We have four vacuum grippers. Three of them use an Air Supply and the last one is using a vacuum generator. Robotiq Vacuum Grippers can handle a wide range of applications and are ideal for picking up uneven and even surfaces made of different materials such as cardboard, glass, sheet metal (dry), and plastic. Because of the customizable bracket and unique air nodes, Robotiq Vacuum Grippers provide manufacturers full control over their gripper to make sure it’s a perfect fit for their applications.

Let's begin with the gripper using the vacuum generator: the E-Pick Gripper


The E-Pick uses a vacuum generator, so he has : 

• No air supply
• Perfect for non-porous material
• Easy to handle (UP AND RUNNING IN 30 MINUTES ON UR)


Here are the specifications : 

The E-Pick is available in one, two, or four cups. Here is the detail of the gripper system : 


The E-pick is working in MODBUS RTU but can be compatible with other protocols by using a universal controller. 



Then you have the three Powerpick using Air Supply : 


The Power-Pick 10, 20 and 30 have  : 

• Powerful vacuum flow
• Low noise
• Compact design for cobots
• Easy to handle (UP AND RUNNING IN 30 MINUTES ON UR)


Here are the specifications of the Powerpick 10 : 


Here are the specifications of the Powerpick 20/30 : 


Each powerpicks are configurable with different brackets, here are some examples : 

Powerpick 10


Powerpick 20/30


The Powerpick is working with I/O. 



On UR Robot, we have some plugins to control easily the Powerpick and the E-Pick. You can find them on our website support.  

You can find some videos on how to install and control them here: E-Learning


You can find more information on each product here : Vacuum Grippers Product Sheet

You can find also the technical documentation on our website support here:

E-Pick: EPick for e-Series Universal Robots   or    EPick for CB-Series Universal Robots

Powerpick 10: PowerPick10 for Universal Robots

Powerpick 20/30 : PowerPick20/30 for Universal Robots