
How to Combine an Automatic Screwdriver With a Tool Changer

Picture your product as it moves down the assembly line. As it comes into a new station, the operator grabs the electric screwdriver, picks up a screw, and fastens it. The next step needs a lower torque for a different type of screw, so your operator puts down the current screwdriver and reaches for another one. Although this all sounds simple for a human, fastening multiple types of screws within the same assembly is a complex automation project. But it doesn’t have to be if you use a tool changer. 

Élizabeth Martel
By Élizabeth Martel
on Apr 05, 2022 in Automation. 5 min read time
How to Combine an Automatic Screwdriver With a Tool Changer

Picture your product as it moves down the assembly line. As it comes into a new station, the operator grabs the electric...

Élizabeth Martel
By Élizabeth Martel
on Apr 05, 2022
Read more 5 min read time

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