If you have already double-checked the Safeguard Reset wiring and Safety I/O configurations but you still can't clear the error.
The safeguard reset is handled by the wiring inside the UR controller. However, there is also a second check that is done by the Siemens PLC. If there is a mismatch between the URCap check (Festo Drive) and the Siemens PLC, the "Safeguard Reset" error will remain present.
Sometimes, checking the wiring remotely can be tough, so I've added a simple description that can be walked through with the customer/partner to see where the issue is coming from.
Start by checking if some of the Siemens PLC LEDs are working (at least).
For example: Press the pallet sensors in and two digital inputs should light up (Left: DI0 & DI1) (Right: DI2 & DI3).
If you see these LEDs lighting up, go to the next step.
If not, check your PLC Power and if the RUN light is green.
Now, check the Safety Status LED on the Siemens PLC. DI4 b should be ON.
Important: If the LED is OFF (see picture below), then something is wrong in the wiring of this safety status check.
You need to check the 24V line from the Safety relay to the Siemens PLC using a voltmeter. (Below is a picture of the Siemens Safety Relay)
Probe the Siemens Safety Relay (Port 2, Wire 55). You should be getting 24V. (Probing in Continuity mode also works.)
Then, probe terminal X16 1.13 Wires 55/60. You should still be getting 24V. (Probing in Continuity mode also works.)

Finally, probe from Wire 60 on terminal X16 1.13 and DI4 b on the Siemens PLC. At some point, you may realize that one of the wires is not connected to the right terminal. The wires must be securely fastened into the right ports and terminals for this solution to work.
::note=Please contact the support team if you still cannot figure out the issue. support@robotiq.com