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What are the difference between line and curve motion on the Multipoint path?

This article is talking about the option on the Multipoint Path

Here is a E-Learning Video of the Multipoint Path : link

If you are using the "Multipoint Path" function, available on the Copilot functions, you have the choice between two types of movement: Line or Curve Movement :



The difference between a Multipoint Path Line or Curve is:

  • In Line, the robot will draw a straight line between the two points and pass through the end points
  • In Curve, the robot will also draw a straight line between the two points but will not necessarily pass through the end points. The Curve of the Multipoint Path is a Bezier curve as the picture below: 


You can find a video to see the difference: "DifferencebetweenCurveandLine.mp4": link


The first movement is done in Line Movement so the robot is going to each point. But the second movement is done in Curve Movement so the robot is not going to the points, it smoothes the trajectory.