Import is the fastest way to upload recipes into your project or make bulk changes to box and pallet information. Using import, you can save yourself time and reduce errors by leveraging information that already exists.
Currently three types of imports are available:
- CSV files (excludes the pallet pattern)
- URL of existing Configurator simulations
- XML or TXT files exported from Packaging software, Cape Pack (Esko) and TOPS
To successfully import CSV files into your project, make sure that they meet certain formatting requirements described in this article.
Note: This feature is currently behind a feature flag "?ff_import_csv&ff_export_csv" and not available by default.
Video demo (5:24)
List of supported CSV columns
Headers need to match exactly those of the template, which can be found via an export in multi-recipe.
- Retrieve only the headers:
- On Recipe (step 1), click EXPORT.
- For ‘Export File Type’, select ‘Template’ and click EXPORT
- Retrieve headers and example values:
- On Recipe (step 1), click ADD to include a new default recipe line, ex. My Item
- Select the new recipe line and click EXPORT.
- For ‘Export File Type’, ensure CSV is selected and click EXPORT.
- Open or import the exported CSV file in any spreadsheet editor like Google Sheets, Excel, or Numbers.
Columns that are mandatory
To create new recipes, “Unit System”, “Box Side”, “Box Front”, “Box Height” and “Box Weight” are required.
To update existing recipes, “Unique identifier” is required.
Import confirmation or alerts
Confirmation feedback will be shared during the import:

In the event of errors, additional feedback will be shared depending on the particular column, example:

A description of available columns and requirements
The following table provides an detailed overview for each of the available columns.
*Advanced system settings