This article is to give you recommendation and show you what can be done with the Robotiq Product using ROS.
As you may know, Robotiq did not develop a ROS package for the Robotiq Wrist Camera. However, it is possible to use an existing package that every one can access on the ROS platform.
For the Robotiq Gripper and FT-300
You can find the ROS packages here:
For the Wrist Camera
The Robotiq Wrist Camera is similar to a standard webcam. It is then possible to use the usb_cam package that you can already find on the ROS platform here: link.
It allows a user to get the frames from our camera. So any webcam applications and/or packages should allow you to get the pictures properly. The only limitation however is that it's not possible to control the camera's LED, exposure, focus, etc. I would suggest looking at that specific package first (usb_cam) to see if that is enough for your application. If not, then it will be possible to build your own ROS package, or to modify the usb_cam package the way you want (the package is free and open-source).
Normally, customers would use the usb_cam package first to get the frames, and then they build their own application (which would subscribe to the frame's topic in ROS) to be able to segment, identify and localize an object (for example).
Robotiq will not help or support any custom integrations on the ROS platform.
Depending on which product, you might also be able to find some useful information on our DoF forum