The I/O coupling is wonderful, but this product has some disadvantages and limitations.
Advantage :
- About the I/O Coupling the main advantage is you plug it directly into the wrist of the robot. You don't have any cable along the arm. So it avoids a lot of problems like breaking the cables ...
- Grip check is available
Limitations :
But the limitations are :
- You have only 4 presets you can use for example :
You can modify the preset on your computer by plugin the I/O Coupling.
- Position Feedback feature is not available. For example, you cannot have the feedback on how many millimeters the gripper is open.
- You cannot plug a dual Gripper.
If you want more information on this product, you can have a look at the documentation available on the Website Support: You can find it in the documentation of the gripper in this section :