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  2. General Investigation & Repair Procedure

How to find the Harmonized Standards, Declarations and Certificates?

Most of our official declarations like EC and RoHS are listed in the respective product manual or have their own section on the support site when selecting the product in question.

 However, we sometimes receive requests for other standards, declarations and certificates. This article gathers Robotiq official responses to such requests.


To the best of our knowledge, the only SVHC that could be contained in Robotiq products above a 0.1% w/w threshold is lead (CAS 7439-92-1). This SVHC is potentially present in every Robotiq product. Despite Robotiq commitment to ensure compliance to international requirements, it should be noted that not all suppliers have provided answers to our requests for information about REACH compliance. Therefore, we cannot confirm that this is the only SVHC that could be present in products made by Robotiq.

Conflict Mineral Reporting Template (CMRT)

Find template here

Certificate of origin 2025



Other countries


If any other standard, declaration or certificate is requested, the support team will reach out to the logistics or engineering departments.