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  2. Palletizing Solution

A way to building a sturdy pallet


This article intends to provide a checklist of elements that can improve the sturdiness of your pallet.

Here under, we use the word box to designate the material you are placing on the pallet.

Also, we consider that you are placing only one type of box on the pallet.


Let’s start with the shape of it.

  • Boxes should be placed on the pallet, and not exceed on the sides.
  • The sides should be flat.

This will allow for more efficient space use (pallets can be pushed against one another) and tighter wrapping. Employees will also have less chance of hitting against a box on the pallet.

  • The height should be close to the width.

Info: The idea here is to make it more difficult for the pallet to fall on its side if pushed. The center of gravity (CoG in the drawing) should be centered on the pallet base and as low as possible. Therefore, if you were to have various boxes, the most heavy ones should be at the bottom.


Now let’s take closer look at what’s on the pallet, namely the boxes arranged in one or more patterns.

A pattern is the result of an optimization between space occupation, weight distribution and what you will do with the boxes once they arrive at their destination.

Here are a few examples of pallet patterns and their arrangement in layers, maybe it will give you some ideas.

Info: To the left is the top view and to the right a side view.


The "always the same" pattern: every layer is the same. Boxes are parallel to one another and stacked in columns.


The rotational pattern : pattern is rotated by 90 each on each new layer. This is supposed to make the pallet more stable as efforts are distributed on both width and length of the boxes.


The pinwheel pattern with rotation between layers: Let’s rotate the boxes on the same layer, and rotate the layers !


If you want to learn more about pallets, here are some of the links that were used when writing this article :