Blog | Robotiq

A Robotic Dynamic Stage

Written by Samuel Bouchard | Aug 21, 2007 7:35 PM


Early this month , the SIGGRAPH conference was held in San Diego. This conference brings together a nifty mix of digital artists, researchers and industry people in the field of computer graphics and interactive techniques. Many academics and company reps introduce leading-edge innovations in 3D applications, CGI, etc. Colleagues from the Robotics Lab, the Computer Vision and Systems Laboratory and LANTISS had the pleasure of showing their work on a dynamically reconfigurable show stage. Take a look at the video of their robotic floor. The discrete, shape-shifting surface effect is striking. In my admittedly biased opinion, the floor could be the whole show! For explanations on the project, see Robotics Lab’s detailed page on the dynamically reconfigurable show stage. This project was led by Robotiq's co-founder and CTO Jean-Philippe Jobin so you can also drop us a line.