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  2. Palletizing Solution

Ignore collision between gripper and box at trajectory start

When using the find surface to put the box on the pallet, the gripper can be in a theoretical collision model. Therefore, a collision detected pop-up appears.


Before using the presented function check the pallet height and the box height before.


If the problem persists this is the situation to use this function.


Description : 

Determines if a detected collision
between the boxes and the gripper is allowed when leaving the Release folder (used when a Find Surface or
a similar method is used to gently place the box lower than expected).


How ? 

To access advanced feature like collision model, you need to add a feature point named: RQ_PAL_JSON and teach this point.


Where to add ?

Then you will have access to the additional JSON parameter Field

What to add ?

[JSON] allowCollisionsBetweenGripperAndBoxesOnPalletAtTrajectoryStart


Ignore collision at the beginning of trajectory after exiting release folder. Best when using a Find surface at the release like in depalletizing or when the boxes have variable heights.


{"allowCollisionsBetweenGripperAndBoxesOnPalletAtTrajectoryStart": isAllowed}


isAllowed (type: bool)


{"allowCollisionsBetweenGripperAndBoxesOnPalletAtTrajectoryStart": True}