What's happening on DoF this week? Everything Wrist Camera!
Shehzikhan is trying to build a robotic system that observes a moving object. He experiences a problem when the object moves a bit faster, causing motion blur in the camera input. He would like to read your suggestions on different techniques you may have in mind for removing motion blur during real-time applications. Any advice?
Kaan wants to teach the Wrist Camera to pick up small round plastic parts which have a rectangular slot in the center. Given the shape of the part, the rectangle might be presented in various orientations to the robot. Our Application Engineer, David_Gariepy, suggested to use the parametric teaching method and to teach the rectangle instead of the round shape. This way he'll be able to pick the part relative to its rectangular slot. Get more info on this new teaching method. Maybe you have other methods to share?
Sebastien wants to know your best practice for troubleshooting images with the Robotiq Wrist Camera. During one of his applications, each process has a distinct snapshot position. Get a full understanding of this issue and help him out find a solution!
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